Climate Change: A storm in a teacup? | Kai Hughes | K1 - Keynotes | 2021 |
Bayer Crop Science: Continued Commitment to Cotton | Jessie Christiansen | C2 - Panel Discussion: Responsible Fibre Production Programs | 2021 |
Climate + | La Rhea Pepper | C2 - Panel Discussion: Responsible Fibre Production Programs | 2021 |
Responsible Fibre Consumption | Dalena White | C2 - Panel Discussion: Responsible Fibre Production Programs | 2021 |
A Technical & Financial Comparison of Machine and Hand Harvested Cottons in the Manufacture of Knitted Garments | Roger Gilmartin | C3 - Cotton – a Wider View | 2021 |
3D design of cotton/flax clothing aiding the medical treatment of skin diseases | Agnieszka Cichocka | C4 - Innovative Textile and Technical Products | 2021 |
Passion for Sustainability | Suzanne Barratt | C6 - Passion for Sustainability | 2021 |
Holistic Circular Fashion and Textiles | Rolf Heimann | C6 - Passion for Sustainability | 2021 |
Intro speech | Kjersti Kviseth | C6 - Passion for Sustainability | 2021 |
Use of sustainable cotton fibres in Euro banknotes | Bernadette O’Brien | C6 - Passion for Sustainability | 2021 |
Challenges and prospects of organic cotton: Experience of bioRe as pioneering entity | Vivek Kumar Rawal | C6 - Passion for Sustainability | 2021 |
New insert reduces yarn hairness of fine count ring spun yarns | Stuart Gordon | T1 - Textile Processing 1 | 2021 |
Deltapine Variety Yield and Fiber Quality Improvements in the US from the pre-transgenic era (1980's) to 3rd generation traited varieties (2018-2019) | David Albers | T2 - Cotton Breeding and Production | 2021 |
Robotics in cotton harvesting | Alex Thomasson | T2 - Cotton Breeding and Production | 2021 |
Lint Cleaner Feed Mechanisms Affect Fiber Length Uniformity Index | Carlos B. Armijo | T3 - Cotton Production and Ginning | 2021 |
Plastic Detection and Removal Systems: Research and Working Solutions for Cotton Gins | Greg Holt | T3 - Cotton Production and Ginning | 2021 |
Monitoring cotton fields with satellite imagery | Sabrina Melchionna | T3 - Cotton Production and Ginning | 2021 |
Spinners Demands on Future Cotton Properties – Plus New: Retailers’ Perspective. Bremen Surveys 2020/21 | Axel Drieling, Claudia Hagedorn | T4 - Cotton Quality & Testing 1 | 2021 |
Contaminants in Cotton - Still a Major Issue for High Quality Products | Marinus van der Sluijs | T4 - Cotton Quality & Testing 1 | 2021 |
Developments and implementation of HVI elongation standards | Chris Delhom | T5 - Cotton Quality & Testing 2 | 2021 |
Steps towards suitable stickiness test results for trading and processing | Axel Drieling, Jean-Paul Gourlot | T5 - Cotton Quality & Testing 2 | 2021 |
Stickiness measurement in the cotton quality testing | Gabriele Salvinelli | T5 - Cotton Quality & Testing 2 | 2021 |
Reactive Dyeing of Cotton | Oliver Heß, Michael Korger, Boris Mahltig, Frank-Andreas Weber, Hermann Freericks and InoCottonGROW project partners | Poster | 2021 |
Interaction between the human body and textiles | Malgorzata Matusiak, Lodz University of Technology | Poster | 2021 |
Cotton Traceability from Source to Retail using DNA-based Technology | Gediminas Mikutis, CTO Haelixa | Poster | 2021 |
Pre-Consumer Recycled Cotton: Possibility for Egypt | Suzan Sanad, Mohamed Negm, Cotton Research Institute | Poster | 2021 |
Statistical Analysis and Instrumental Characterization of Commercial Ethiopian Cotton Varieties | Getnet Belay Tesema, Axel Drieling | Poster | 2021 |
Tracing the origin of cotton | Stefan Ziegler, Felipe Costa, Johannes Schmiester, Jason Newton; WWF Germany, SUERC | Poster | 2021 |
ICAC – A Force for Good for Cotton? | Kai Hughes | I: Keynotes | 2018 |
How Cotton Can Avoid Becoming Wool | Robert Antoshak | I: Keynotes | 2018 |
Cotton Market Outlook and Risk Management | Eugen Weinberg / Michael Alt | I: Keynotes | 2018 |
An Interactive Mobile App for Dryland Small Scale Cotton Farmers Developed by the Cottonhand Company | Walter Simeoni | II: Digitalization on the Field, in Processing and on the Market | 2018 |
Contamination Control in Spinning | Iris Biermann | II: Digitalization on the Field, in Processing and on the Market | 2018 |
Digital Textile Microfactory | Thomas Fischer | II: Digitalization on the Field, in Processing and on the Market | 2018 |
Whats New in Cotton? | Bruce Atherley | III: Innivative Textile and Technical Cotton Based Products | 2018 |
Innovative 3D Cotton Textiles Ensuring Thermo-Physiological Compfort | Malgorzata Matusiak | III: Innivative Textile and Technical Cotton Based Products | 2018 |
Thermobonded Composites Made with Cotton (CO) and Polylactic Acid (PLA) Fibres for Technical Applications | Franziska Stehle | III: Innivative Textile and Technical Cotton Based Products | 2018 |
Cotton fibre-reinforced composites for injection moulding and 3D printing | Milan Kelch | III: Innivative Textile and Technical Cotton Based Products | 2018 |
A reduced spinning process with the option of handling a higher non-lint content | Armin Leder | IV: Textile Processing | 2018 |
Processing characteristics of TENCEL® LF / cotton blends on Rieter’s 4 end spinning systems | Harald Schwippl | IV: Textile Processing | 2018 |
spinitsystems® – Fibre-to-Fabric Single Jersey production. A game-changing technology made by Mayer & Cie. | Michael Tuschak | IV: Textile Processing | 2018 |
Foam Indigo Dyeing of Cotton Yarns: New Technology for an Ancient Dye | Dean Ethridge | IV: Textile Processing | 2018 |
Spinners Demands on Future Cotton Properties | Axel Drieling / Karsten Fröse | V: Cotton Quality and Testing | 2018 |
First Experience of the Automated Stickiness Testing with Loepfe Fibermap / Mesdan Contest | Sandra Meier | V: Cotton Quality and Testing | 2018 |
Experience Measuring Extraneous Material in Cotton Sample by Contest® and Fibermap® | Uzi Mor / Daniela Messa | V: Cotton Quality and Testing | 2018 |
Assessing Raw Cotton on Predicted Yarn Quality: A New Approach to Marketing Cotton | Stuart Gordon | V: Cotton Quality and Testing | 2018 |
Verifying Cotton Provenance - Oritain Fingerprinting | Sam Lind | VI: Tracebility from Field to the Shelf - Demands, Options and Limitations | 2018 |
The Challenge of Traceability in the Cotton Industry | Paul Stenning | VI: Tracebility from Field to the Shelf - Demands, Options and Limitations | 2018 |
Promoting sustainability and product safety through DNA-based tracers | Gediminas Mikutis | VI: Tracebility from Field to the Shelf - Demands, Options and Limitations | 2018 |
Sustainable Cotton Traceability Platform and Integrated Supply Chain Programme Business Model | Heinrich Schultz | VI: Tracebility from Field to the Shelf - Demands, Options and Limitations | 2018 |
otton Diaries - From Crops to Cloth | Marzia Lanfranchi | VII: Sustainability in Cotton and Textile Production | 2018 |
Obsolete or Complementary: Cotton Standards and the OECD Due Dilligence Guidelines | Simon Ferrigno | VII: Sustainability in Cotton and Textile Production | 2018 |
The Generation and Aquatic Biodegradation of Microfibers Produced from Laundering Fabrics | Richard Venditti | VII: Sustainability in Cotton and Textile Production | 2018 |
Coordinated Resources Linking the Genome to Cotton Improvement | Don Jones | VIII: The Future of Cotton Breeding and Production | 2018 |
Breeding and Genetic Improvement of G. Herbaceum Desi Cotton in India | Dilipkumar Patil | VIII: The Future of Cotton Breeding and Production | 2018 |
The Feasibility of Blending Cotton at the Gin Instead of the Spinning Mill | Marinus van der Slujis | IX: Research - Gaining Insights | 2018 |
Ginning: A Method to Measure its Specific Impact on Fiber Quality | Jean-Paul Gourlot | IX: Research - Gaining Insights | 2018 |
Effects of Saw Ginning, Roller Ginning, and Lint Cleaning on Fiber Length Uniformity Index | Carlos Armijo | IX: Research - Gaining Insights | 2018 |
Traceability of GMO-Free Cotton from the Seed to the Shirt | Christin Glöckner | IX: Research - Gaining Insights | 2018 |
Detection and Quantification of Stickness on Cotton Samples Using Near Infrared Hyperspectral Images | Liv Severino | IX: Research - Gaining Insights | 2018 |
Developing a Color Diagram for the Egyptian Cottons | Guntram Kugler | IX: Research - Gaining Insights | 2018 |
Examination of a sample is likely to be a cotton plant found above an Egyptian mummy | Abeer Samir Arafa | Poster | 2018 |
Comparative Analysis off Biophysical Fabric Properties in Aspect of their Use in the Reference Clothing for Comfort Testing | Iwona Frydrych, Grazyna Bartkowiak, Agnieszka Greszta | Poster | 2018 |
Development of a New Seed Cotton Regenerator | Rinat A. Gulyaev, P.N. Borodin, E.B. Kurbanbaev | Poster | 2018 |
Advanced fiber characteristics - by improving them with carbon nanotubes (CNT) | M. Hahn, A. Petr, R. Heider, J. Hesselbach, S. Hampel | Poster | 2018 |
Field Robots – A New World for Cotton | Kater Hake | Poster | 2018 |
Reducing the Water Footprint of the Global Cotton‐Textile Industry: Efficient Use of Advanced Dyeing Chemicals, Technologies and Wastewater Treatment in Pakistan | Oliver Heß | Poster | 2018 |
Catalytically enabled low-temperature bleaching of cotton | Liz Manning | Poster | 2018 |
Egyptian cotton traceability | Mohamed Negm | Poster | 2018 |
High quality naturally colored cotton fibers | James Olvey | Poster | 2018 |
The investigation of the sources on cotton contaminants in Aegian Region | Feride Öncan Sümer | Poster | 2018 |
Trends in Global Cotton Supply and Demand | Lyman Stone | Poster | 2018 |
Friction Measurements on Cotton Fiber Bundles and Single Fibers | Alex Thomasson | Poster | 2018 |
Minutes Welcome | Terry Townsend | Welcome | 2016 |
Minutes Session I | Terry Townsend | I: Keynotes | 2016 |
Partnership for sustainable Textiles | Helmut Fischer | I: Keynotes | 2016 |
Responsible Crop Production | Dahlen Hancock | I: Keynotes | 2016 |
Sustainability is the New Premium Jeans | Tyler Cole | I: Keynotes | 2016 |
Minutes Session II | Terry Townsend | II: Cotton in Competition | 2016 |
Product Developments in Manmade Fibres: Is Cotton Able to Compete? | Bruna Angel | II: Cotton in Competition | 2016 |
Policy-Driven Causes for Cotton’s Decreasing Market Share of Fibres | Dean Ethridge | II: Cotton in Competition | 2016 |
Innovative Technical Options for New Cotton Products | Mark Messura | II: Cotton in Competition | 2016 |
Minutes Session III | Terry Townsend | III: Cotton Quality, Properties and Testing | 2016 |
Managing a Spinning Mill with Quality in Mind | Mona Qaud and Iris Biermann | III: Cotton Quality, Properties
and Testing | 2016 |
Innovations in USDA Cotton Classification | Darryl Earnest | III: Cotton Quality, Properties and Testing | 2016 |
Cotton Moisture: Importance in Practice and Suitable Measurement Options | Chris Delhom and James Rodgers | III: Cotton Quality, Properties
and Testing | 2016 |
Comprehensive Cotton Testing to Obtain the Full Fiber Profile Relevant for the Preparation Process and the Yarn Quality | Daniela Messa and Sandra Meier | III: Cotton Quality, Properties
and Testing | 2016 |
Minutes Session IV | Terry Townsend | IV: New Directions in Cotton Breeding and Consumer Reception | 2016 |
Cotton Breeding: Developments and Opportunities | Rafiq Chaudhry | IV: New Directions in Cotton
Breeding and Consumer
Reception | 2016 |
Cotton Breeding both High Tech and Natural | Kater Hake | IV: New Directions in Cotton Breeding and Consumer Reception | 2016 |
Plant Breeding as an Integral Part of Sustainable Agriculture | Dirk Zimmermann | IV: New Directions in Cotton Breeding and Consumer Reception | 2016 |
The European Consumers' Feeling on Biotechnology | Rainer Schlatmann | IV: New Directions in Cotton Breeding and Consumer Reception | 2016 |
Progress in Detecting and Removing Cotton Contaminants in Spinning | Christoph Färber, Armin Leder | V: High-Tech in Textile Processing | 2016 |
Autoconer 6 - FX Technologies for Cotton Processing | Peter Goelden | V: High-Tech in Textile Processing | 2016 |
Latest Technologies for Functional Coating of Cotton Products | Thomas Stegmaier | V: High-Tech in Textile Processing | 2016 |
Options and Viability of Textile Recycling | Bernd Gulich | V: High-Tech in Textile Processing | 2016 |
Cell Solution® Lyocell Speciality fibers and their properties and functions in cotton blends | Gerhard Neudorfer | VI: Innovative Cotton Products | 2016 |
Bioinspiration and Biomimicry: Possibilities for Cotton Byproducts | Greg Holt | VI: Innovative Cotton Products | 2016 |
Natural Fibres and innovative Biomaterials for Medical Application | Michael Wöltje | VI: Innovative Cotton Products | 2016 |
Collaborative Cotton Mechanization Project in India | Gusvinder Singh | VII: Cotton Production Around the World | 2016 |
Innovations in High-Yielding Cultivation and Achieved Results in Australia | Allan Williams | VII: Cotton Production Around the World | 2016 |
Trends in Global Cotton Supply / Demand and Trade | Lyman Stone | VII: Cotton Production Around the World | 2016 |
The Past and the Present of China’s ELS Cotton Production | Tian Liwen | VII: Cotton Production Around the World | 2016 |
Uzbek Cotton: Competitive Advantages and Achievements in Cotton Science | Rinat Gulyaev | Breakout: Research results as a basis for innovation | 2016 |
A Study on Cotton Fibre Elongation Measurement | Shouren Yang | Breakout: Research results as a basis for innovation | 2016 |
Breaking the fiber quality ceiling - Limitations of cotton fibers bundle testing | Eric Hequet | Breakout: Research results as a basis for innovation | 2016 |
Polyphosphazenes as Halogen Free Flame Retardants | Thomas Mayer-Gall | Breakout: Research results as a basis for innovation | 2016 |
Minutes Session VIII | Terry Townsend | VIII: Responsible Crop Protection | 2016 |
IPM Approach in Non BT Cotton - A Way of Life | Menahem Yogev | VIII: Responsible Crop Protection | 2016 |
Sustainable crop production and IPM in developing countries | Francesca Mancini | VIII: Responsible Crop Protection
| 2016 |
Why So Much Use of Insecticides in Cotton Production | Sebastião Barbosa | VIII: Responsible Crop Protection | 2016 |
Bayer’s View on Crop Protection in Cotton | Martin Märkl | VIII: Responsible Crop Protection
| 2016 |
BCI's Approach to Crop Protection | Damien Sanfilippo | VIII: Responsible Crop Protection | 2016 |
Cotton Crop Protection by Local Means | Christoph Kaut | VIII: Responsible Crop Protection | 2016 |
From Dx to Rx - Curing Cotton Supply Chains | Jo Greenwood, Applied DNA Sciences | Poster | 2016 |
The new technology for humidification of seed cotton before ginning and cotton fiber before pressing | Rinat Gulyaev, Uzpakhtaexport JSC | Poster | 2016 |
Identity Preservation has Many Uses | Kater Hake, Cotton Incorporated | Poster | 2016 |
Developing a DNA-Based Technology for Identifying the Presence of Egyptian Cotton Fibers in Various Textile Products | Mohamed Negm, Suzan Sanad, Cotton Research Institute | Poster | 2016 |
New applications for cotton-Poster 1 | Hochschule für Künste, Bremen | Poster | 2016 |
New applications for cotton-Poster 3 | Hochschule für Künste, Bremen | Poster | 2016 |
New applications for cotton-Poster 2 | Hochschule für Künste, Bremen | Poster | 2016 |
New applications for cotton-Poster 4 | Hochschule für Künste, Bremen | Poster | 2016 |
ICAC: Serving the World Cotton Community | J. D. Sette | Keynotes | 2014 |
Impact of China’s Policies on World Cotton Consumption | Ray Butler | Keynotes | 2014 |
Xinjiang Cotton Production: Status and its Problems | Tian Liwen | Developments in Cotton Production | 2014 |
Achievements and Perspectives of Cotton “omics” in Uzbekistan | Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov | Developments in Cotton Production | 2014 |
Cotton Fibre Quality:
Hoch Much Comes from the Field? | Ciro Rosolem | Developments in Cotton Production | 2014 |
Soft Cotton Knitting Yarn with Air-jet Technology | Vera Stepanska | New Technologies in Textile Processing | 2014 |
Comfort and Function:Current Trends in Cotton Finishing | Markus Oberthür | New Technologies in Textile Processing | 2014 |
Cotton - Fashion - Quality An Exciting World full of Seemingly Contradictions - Filed Report of a Company in the Area of Garment Finishing and Quality Assurance | Bernhold Emme-Zumpe | New Technologies in Textile Processing | 2014 |
Breeding for Better Fiber Elongation:A Key to Improve Yarn Tensile Properties | Eric Hequet | Cotton Measurement | 2014 |
Possibilities for Measuring Cotton in the Field and Outside the Laboratory: For Breeding, Production, Ginning, the Warehouse | James Rodgers | Cotton Measurement | 2014 |
Accurate Trash Measurement and its Significance in Cotton Chain | Hossein Ghorashi | Cotton Measurement | 2014 |
Simulate, Print and Go - Digital Assistance for Design, Development and Printing for Customized Production | Alexander Artschwager | New Products and New Properties | 2014 |
Cotton, Mixed or Functionalised in Cosmetic, Medical, and Biotechnological Applications - Technical and Market Aspects | Siegfried Bank | New Products and New Properties | 2014 |
Evaluating Cotton Utilisation in Nowoven Textiles | Kishor Luitel | New Products and New Properties | 2014 |
New Technologies in Breeding to Meet Consumer Demands | Brent Crossland | Cotton - A Wider View | 2014 |
Opportunities for Sourcing & Value Addition in Africa‘s Cotton, Textile and Apparel Value Chain | Rajeev Arora | Cotton - A Wider View | 2014 |
The UK WOOL INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE | Peter Ackroyd | Cotton - A Wider View | 2014 |
Cotton and Water - An Agricultural Perspective | Edward M. Barnes | Global Responsibilty:
Panel Discussion on Water Consumption | 2014 |
Irrigation Management Under Water Shortage | Menahem Yogev | Global Responsibilty:
Panel Discussion on Water Consumption | 2014 |
What connects Margarine and Denim? | Beda M. Stadler | Cotton and Textiles | 2012 |
Future Challenges of the European Textile Industry | Francesco Marchi | Cotton and Textiles | 2012 |
Constraints to Fiber Production | Terry Townsend | Cotton and Textiles | 2012 |
Sustainability in KiK‘s Supply Chain | Michael Arretz | Cotton and Textiles | 2012 |
Future View on Fibers and Textiles | Jiri Militky | Cotton and Textiles | 2012 |
The ICAC Cotton Researcher of the Year Programme | Rafiq Chaudhry | Cotton and Textiles | 2012 |
Barriers to breeding high fiber quality cotton varieties | Fred Bourland | Cotton and Textiles | 2012 |
The impact of High Speed Roller Ginning on Yarn Quality | Devron Thibodeaux | Cotton Production | 2012 |
Predicting Yarn Quality: An indispensable tool for cotton breeders | Eric Hequet | Cotton Production | 2012 |
Challenges and prospects of cotton production in Pakistan | Syed Hassan Raza | Cotton Production | 2012 |
The Impact of the use of chemical crop Protection on the CO2 - balance of agricultural crops (Ex. Cotton) | Rüdiger Schaub | Cotton Production | 2012 |
ICA Bremen Certification of Laboratories: b) Technical prerequisites and according CSITC Round Trial Data | Axel Drieling | Cotton Quality, Testing and Research | 2012 |
Within and Between Bale Variability of Instrumental Data: Measurement and Practical Incidence on Cotton Trading for Cotton Produced in Africa | Jean-Paul Gourlot | Cotton Quality, Testing and Research | 2012 |
Investigating the origin of cotton in yarn using multivariate isotope profiles | Wolfram Meier-Augenstein | Cotton Quality, Testing and Research | 2012 |
Cottonscope - a new instrument for maturity and fineness measurements: a) Instrument design | Geoff Naylor | Cotton Quality, Testing and Research | 2012 |
Cottonscope - a new instrument for maturity and fineness measurements: b) Experimental Results and Experiences | James Rodgers | Cotton Quality, Testing and Research | 2012 |
Testing polyester staple fibers for estimating their processing behavior in open-end spinning | Guntram Kugler | New Cotton Products and Fibre Processing | 2012 |
ITMA News on Cotton | Uwe Heitmann | New Cotton Products and Fibre Processing | 2012 |
Cotton Carding Technology in 2012: A Status Report on the Latest Machine Developments | Christoph Färber | New Cotton Products and Fibre Processing | 2012 |
The range and advantages of four different spinning systems | Tarun Gulati | New Cotton Products and Fibre Processing | 2012 |
Development of Metrics to Measure Agricultural Sustaínability | Bill M. Norman | Fibre Competition and Synergies | 2012 |
A Life Cycle Assessment of the Cotton Textile Chain | Patricia O‘Leary | Fibre Competition and Synergies | 2012 |
Cotton blends with TENCEL® and Lenzing Modal® | Dieter Eichinger | Fibre Competition and Synergies | 2012 |
Cotton versus synthetics - the consumer perspective | Allen Terhaar | Fibre Competition and Synergies | 2012 |
Sammelband 2010 | Diverse | Sammelband / Proceedings | 2010 |
Sammelband 2008 | Diverse | Sammelband / Proceedings | 2008 |
Sammelband 2006 | Diverse | Sammelband / Proceedings | 2006 |