

11 Dec | Seminar of the Akademie für Textilveredlung: A Head Start by Knowledge – From Experts to Experts

‘A Head Start by Knowledge – From Experts to Experts!’ was the motto of the Akademie für Textilveredlung (Academy on Textile Finishing) from Cologne which is offering seminars and vocational training for employees of textile finishing enterprises. In collaboration with the Bremen Cotton Exchange as well as the Fibre Institute Bremen, a seminar on basic knowledge on cotton took place on November 20 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the premises of the Cotton Exchange. The seminar had been fully booked at an early stage. Employees from well-known textile and clothing companies as Fruit of the Loom or Olymp, the initiative Cotton made in Africa, the Atakora Fördergesellschaft as well as the importer of promotion articles Giving Europe participated in the seminar.

Following a welcome and the introduction of the participants by the owner of the Akademie für Textilveredlung Stefan Roller-Aßfalg, Elke Hortmeyer, responsible for communication and international relations at the Bremen Cotton Exchange, gave an overview of the world cotton market. She also gave a lecture on questions of sustainability in cotton production.

Axel Drieling, Senior Manager Cotton at the Fibre Institute, introduced all major textile fibres, the natural fibres of vegetable and animal origin as well as the synthetic fibres. He also informed about the possibilities of fibre processing based on various spinning methods within the textile chain.

Karsten Fröse, in charge of cotton quality at the Bremen Cotton Exchange, explained the production steps from cotton planting to ginning as well as cotton  quality and pricing.
The theoretical part was followed by practice in the afternoon. Typical cotton varieties in different colour gradations and at various contamination degrees were shown in the arbitration room of the Cotton Exchange. All participants had the opportunity to class cotton traditionally by hand, and to examine fibre length and fineness.

Last but not least, the laboratory facilities of ICA Bremen were visited. Here the latest laboratory technique enables the determination of major cotton parameters at a constant room temperature and humidity verifying for example fibre length, fibre fineness, length parity, strength, and degree of contamination.

All participants were downright enthused of the sound and profound information of the daily seminar. Therefore, the seminar will be repeated on April 29, 2020.
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Category: Allgemein





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