
ICA Bremen

Listed below are all articles in the category "ICA Bremen".

115 laboratories participate in the ICA Bremen Round Trials

In the ICA Bremen Round Trials 2022-1, gravimetric trash testing methods were integrated for the first time. These methods clean out the amount of contamination and determine the weight accordingly. Previously, trash results were only included with HVI and AFIS optical testing. Gravimetric test methods include simple tests like the Shirley trash tester principle (…)

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ICA Bremen: ‚Cotton Classing & Testing‘

The popular ICA Bremen six-day programme took place in Bremen, Germany from 10 – 17 May and was delivered by industry experts from ICA Bremen and the Bremen Fibre Institute (FIBRE). The training concentrated purely on quality issues in raw cotton. The international participants from different areas of the cotton supply chain came from (…)

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APPA becomes twelfth laboratory certified by ICA Bremen

The Association for the Promotion of Cotton Production (APPA) is Argentina’s leading cotton classing operation established in Avellaneda, Santa Fe. As of 1 March 2022, APPA has become the latest laboratory to be certified under ICA Bremen’s Laboratory Certification Scheme.   APPA’s General Director of the Laboratory, Nicolas Buyatti said; “The certification of the (…)

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26 Members from the cotton community become certified as ICA Bremen Quality Experts

ICA Bremen’s first group of Quality Experts have now been certified under an internationally recognised standard to assist with cotton quality matters. The newly certified experts come from Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Germany, Greece, Ivory Coast, Switzerland, Tanzania, Turkey and UK. The Quality Expert scheme is a service provided by ICA Bremen which (…)

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ICA Bremen’s Training Course ‘Cotton Classing and Testing‘

ICA Bremen’s Cotton Classing and Testing Training Course will be held from 10 – 17 May 2022 in Bremen, Germany. The Cotton Classing and Testing Training provides an in-depth learning experience that is tailored to educate participants on quality matters in raw cotton. The course explores issues from the classification of cotton from various (…)

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ICA Bremen: Exclusive expert training for Brazilians

At the end of January, ICA Bremen conducted an online workshop tailored for the Brazilian cotton association Abrapa aiming for the improvement of cotton testing procedures. According to Edson Mizoguchi, manager of Abrapa’s Standard Brasil HVI Program (SBRHVI), the goal of the training was to enhance technical procedures as well as the standardization of (…)

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ICA Bremen: Participants from Benin Trained in Cotton Classing

A seminar on instrumental quality testing of cotton was held by ICA Bremen from November 1 to 5, 2021. The participants were six employees of the Association Interprofessionelle du Coton (AIC) in Benin, one of the major cotton producing countries in West Africa. The participants were skilled at varying levels of prior knowledge in (…)

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ICA Bremen: 10 years ‘Centre of Excellence’

October 2021 marks ten years since the launch of ICA Bremen, a joint venture between the International Cotton Association (ICA), Liverpool, and the Bremen Cotton Exchange. The aim was to combine the expertise of both organisations by establishing a joint ‘International Centre of Excellence’ for Cotton Testing, Research, Quality Training and Certification. On October (…)

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Use of Stickiness Test Results for Trading Purposes

When present, stickiness causes drastic problems in processing and in yarn quality, hence it is important to evaluate the stickiness of cotton for trading. Based on their work in the ITMF International Committee on Cotton Testing Methods (ICCTM), the cooperation partners for the Stickiness Round Trial, CIRAD, Faserinstitut Bremen and ICA Bremen were asked (…)

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ICA Bremen Training Courses 2020 ‘Cotton Classing and Testing’ ‘Learning about Machinery’

ICA Bremen will deliver two industry leading training courses in 2020: Cotton Classing & Testing training and Learning about Machinery training. The seven-day Cotton Classing and Testing training course will take place from June 2nd – June 10th, 2020 in Bremen, Germany. This comprehensive training programme will concentrate on quality issues in raw cotton (…)

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